Voices Of Leadership: Insights And Reflections From The LEAD Summit

Embarking on a journey of leadership and growth, the second weekend of September marked a significant milestone for PAAC as we proudly hosted our inaugural Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Summit. A transformative three-day retreat meticulously crafted for our Club Officers, the event unfolded as a captivating narrative of collaboration, inspiration, and community-building. If you missed the chance to be part of this enriching experience, read on for an immersive recap, and who knows, you might spot familiar faces in the moments captured below.

Day 1: Building the Foundations of Leadership

The summit kicked off with a dynamic first day, as participants delved into innovative activities aimed at fortifying our sense of community. Teaming up with Winners' Camp, a locally acclaimed leadership academy, our officers engaged in a series of team-building games. These activities were more than just fun and games; they were a strategic exercise promoting effective communication, trust-building, and a deeper understanding of the global challenges we collectively face.

Day 2: Inspiring Global Citizenship

In collaboration with the East-West Center, Day 2 was an immersive experience at the Hawaiʻi Youth Summit. Themed "Inspiring Global Citizenship," this day connected our officers with the next generation of leaders hailing from over 20 countries. Engaging breakout sessions focused on global citizenship provided a platform for shared perspectives and insights. The day's highlight was a moving speech by East-West Center's President, Suzanne Vares-Lum, who shared her personal journey, leaving a lasting impact on all in attendance. 

Day 3: Planning for the Future

As the summit approached its final day, our officers dove into a detailed exploration of the year ahead, setting the stage for impactful plans and initiatives. To further solidify the bonds within our community, officers participated in a trust fall activity with Winners' Camp. This culminating exercise served as a poignant reminder of the essence of leadership – trust, collaboration, and the profound importance of mutual support.

The LEAD Summit was more than an event; it was a transformative experience that empowered our Club Officers to envision and shape the future of PAAC leadership. As we bid farewell with the Hawaiian saying 'A hui hou' – until we meet again – we carry forward the lessons learned, connections forged, and a renewed commitment to leadership excellence. Here's to the journey ahead, Club Officers!" 

Sharing Student Voices:

“My leadership style is much better now because, before the summit, I was awkward and was not comfortable going up in front of large groups. Afterward, however, I was able to hold the first general club meeting and it was a success with about 25 people, excluding officers, attending with others who could not make it to the meeting. I believe I owe my new leadership skills almost completely to this recent summit.”

“I think overall many of the activities showed me that when a group of people have one goal in mind they’re able to connect and help each other achieve whatever they need to, and I really would like for my school’s PAAC Club to be able to connect the same way we connected at the LEAD Summit.”

“The key lessons gained during the summit were on leadership and club structure/goals. For leadership, I learned what makes myself special and unique. I learned the strengths of my leadership style but also its many holes. I learned of the importance of community, optimism, and trust in establishing a sustainable club environment—a weakness of mine. As to club structure, I learned how to tackle multiple aspects of growing and continuing the PAAC club. I learned how to market the club. I learned how to meticulously plan and organize the club with service and educational opportunities and GAP projects.”


Exploring Unity And Growth: Highlights From The LEAD Workshop


Kari Kehau Noe - Alumni Profile